Karry Knows – Best Time of Year to Renovate?

Not sure of the best time pull off your next renovation? Bring us your questions and we’ll help you decide!

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This is one of the most common we get asked about home renovations and remodels. The answer comes down to what project you’re doing.


Ultimately, if you’re ready to renovate and everything is in order, any time can be a good time; everyone has different priorities. If budget is your main concern, avoid the mid spring to end of summer seasons. This is the busiest time for contractors and prices will reflect that.


These are other common guidelines to consider:


Kitchen and Main Floor Renovations


The kitchen is a major hub of the house, as with the main floor. For these renovations, avoiding the wetter months like late winter and spring is best. People will be traipsing in and out of your house at all hours and no matter how much you try there will be a mess.


On the plus side, with a kitchen out of commission in warmer months you can fry up the BBQ for a cooking alternative or hit up a patio to destress from the inevitable renovation madness. Plus, everything will be done with plenty of time for holiday season.


Bedroom Renovations


For a bedroom renovation, especially if it’s your only bedroom, we’d push for cooler months, like the Fall. During these project types, you’ll need to set up an alternative sleeping situation. Nothing makes people crankier than sleeping in an uncomfortable setting and being hot.


Bathroom Renovations


If you’re down a main bathroom (or sole bathroom), getting ready every day becomes a nightmare. For this reason, summer time is a preferred time for bathroom renovations.


For starters, you can air dry in the hot summer days and mooch a friend’s pool to stay cool, instead of relying on cold showers. People are more likely to hit up the gym in the summer too, so you can make use of their showers in the meantime too.


Basement and Attic Renovations


Basements and attics aren’t usually the primary living area, so most times of the year are good to renovate. There are some temperature conditions to consider though. Summertime is great for basement remodels; it stays nice and cool down there. However, it’s a little hellish working in an attic during the hottest days of the year (think of your poor contractors!).


These are the most common renovations and the major concerns to consider, but everyone has their own specific issues. Give us a call with any questions you have and we’ll figure out the best time for your next reno.

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