Tips for Home Storage Solutions

A cluttered home can have a negative impact on your mood, your home’s aesthetic, and how people perceive you. Finding the right storage solutions can help address these problems, but how do you know what will work right for your house?

At Karry Home Solutions, we’re ready to provide you with a range of fantastic storage ideas. With our help, you can find something that suits your unique needs.

Kitchen Islands

Kitchens are often one of the largest rooms in a house and so usually have a wide range of perfect storage options, ranging from floor-to-ceiling cabinets to open shelving. One option to increase both kitchen storage and functionality is a kitchen island. 

Islands typically have several options for built-in shelves and hooks, and they also give additional countertop space — useful for food prep, additional dining space, and more. Also, installing a new kitchen island storage system can boost your home’s resale value, making it a smart investment for practical and financial reasons. 

Use Space Underneath

Homes often have small nooks and crannies that you can turn into smart, out-of-the-way storage options. For example, you can save on bedroom space by using a bed frame that has built-in drawers or use cube organizers to fill the space underneath a bench or couch. Coffee tables, chairs, closet racks, and office desks have a lot of space below that you can use to optimize storage space. 

Similarly, space underneath stairs can be turned into storage with smart, stackable storage units. If you are tight on storage space, look around your house for any gaps or alcoves you can turn into extra storage with easy access. 

Entryway Storage

Entryways are great to use for storage solutions as they can pull double duty as functional storage and also set a mood in your home. Things like coat racks, storage cabinets, and benches all create an appealing entryway while also providing several options for storing daily items like jackets, shoes, keys, and wallets. 

If your entryway has a closet, there are closet storage cube organizers and shoe racks you can buy to make the most of unused space around the coat rack and shelving unit. 

Garage Storage

If you are trying to maximize your storage space, you should not neglect your garage. Garages usually have simple layouts, which means multiple options for storage and space organization. Classic garage storage solutions include hooks and racks for tools and storage bins on shelves. 

If you need extra space for bikes and other equipment, wall-mounted hooks let you organize them on the wall, opening up more floor space for storage. Another option is to build a small lofted space to take advantage of ceiling clearance. 

Modern Solutions for Modern Homes

Finding the right storage solutions can help you make your home more organized. Are you interested in rethinking your home’s storage solutions? If so, contact a trustworthy renovation contractor to receive an estimate and start the process today.

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