Karry Knows – Should I Stay or Should I Go (During My Renovation)?

Is it better to stay or move out during a major renovation? Depends on the project! Call us for more recommendations.

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A renovation is on the horizon and you’re wondering if you should stick it out or move out. The major things to keep in mind are logistics of setting up shop elsewhere and your budget.


Consider Size of Project


A major renovation of 2 or more rooms at once is a big disruption. So is a flooring job that covers an entire level or more. With projects of this size, it’s better for you and your contractors if you bunk with family or a hotel. It’s a small chance you’ll be able to use your house fully, let alone live with so little privacy.


Consider Focus of Project



Certain rooms will work better with you moved out, regardless of project size. A master or main bedroom renovation (provided there aren’t other bedroom options), the kitchen (for extended periods) or lone bathroom, for instance.

While you could live without those for a short period, any renovation longer than two weeks would be far easier living elsewhere.


Consider Your Needs

What we really mean is: consider your sanity. How much disruption can you handle? What is your peace of mind and privacy worth? Some people aren’t bothered by it, but young families can quickly turn to chaos without access to bathrooms or kitchens.

Save the money if you can, but do not feel any shame at all if you need to tap out. Saving a few hundred bucks is not worth the stress.


Your Options

There are lots of options for you to choose from, even if you want to only partially move out. You could stay at a nearby hotel, or to save some more cash, see if any family and friends are willing to offer some space.

When renovating a bathroom, you can stay at home but make use of fitness facility locker rooms to shower. For bedroom renovations, having a spare room is an easy fix to temporarily move to.

Finally, with kitchens, a renovation that takes a week or less can be survived on take-out and delivery. There are worse things. Any more than that and we’d recommend calling in some home-cooked meals with grandma.

While staying during a reno benefits you financially, moving out benefits your blood pressure. It also gives contractors more room to work and work quickly. You should think of the project size, specific location, and your budget. Most importantly, what can you handle?

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