Karry Knows – What Lighting is Right For Me?

Stuck debating which light is the best option for your needs? Read some of these pros and cons to help your decision.

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What lighting is right for me?

There are several options available to you when it comes to lighting, ranging from green to cost-efficient products. We’ve outlined some of the most common options to choose from so you can pick the best one for you.



Incandescent bulbs were once the most commonly used bulb on the market but with new laws coming into place since 2014, there’s been a phase out of this type. While there’s still products on the market, this is probably not a long-term option.

Quick stats:

  • Gives off warm tones – psychologically appealing for most people
  • Lasts 700 to 1000 hours
  • Can be used on a dimmer
  • Not the most energy efficient
  • Currently a more expensive option with the phase out



Halogen is a type of incandescent bulb that gives off the closest tone to natural day light or ‘white light’. Colours are sharper under this light as well.

Quick stats:

  • Can be used on a dimmer
  • Slightly more energy efficient than regular incandescent bulbs
  • More expensive though and heat up faster
  • Avoid using bare hands to replace bulb – oil can encourage them to overheat and explode
  • Runs hotter than the average light bulb
  • Like other incandescent bulbs



LED (Light-Emitting Diode) lights are intended to be the eventual replacement for incandescent bulbs due to the many benefits they offer. Currently, a couple of their downsides are preventing an easy transition: high cost and directional light only. Keep an eye on this option though as the benefits can still outweigh temporary negatives.

Quick stats:

  • Long-lasting (upwards of 50,000 hours compared to incandescent bulbs’ 1,000)
  • Extremely energy efficient – far less energy costs
  • Cost per bulb is more than other bulbs currently
  • Options to create greater illumination by using several LEDs together – price is still an issue



CFLs (Compact-Fluorescent Lamp) are the in-between option during the incandescent to LED transition. They last much longer than an incandescent and are only a little more expensive.

Quick stats:

  • Highly energy-efficient (use a fraction of what an incandescent uses)
  • Quiet, colour-corrected tones
  • Can be used in much the same capacity as incandescent bulbs
  • Recyclable
  • Contain trace amounts of mercury – often less than most common household items though, but take care not to break them
  • Good for lighting large areas
  • Don’t work on a dimmer

So which is speaking your language? Are you looking for the green option or the upfront savings? If you’d like to discuss the right option for you, give us a call or stop by our Brampton showroom.

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